Whenever there is a computer problem in my family or circle of friends, I'm the first person they call. It's kinda like what Jay-Z describes as the gift and the curse. I'm gifted to know all of this computer stuff, but I'm cursed to spend the rest of my life doing tech support for everyone.
The problem was that it was hard to get people to click on the right things to diagnose the problem over the phone. I spent a lot of time just figuring out basic informaton about their setup before I could actually fix the problem for them. I wanted a way that I could just remote desktop into their computer and while on the phone with them find and fix the problem, and explain what I'm doing at the same time, so that they understand and can fix it themselves the next time.
Up until recently there were two ways to do this. You had to install a VNC or Remote Desktop type program on the person's machine then forward all of the ports in their router (and hope nobody messes with them). Or you could pay for an expensive service such as gotoassist.com which sets up an online helpdesk.
Here is the best (free) way to do the same thing that GoToAssist charges hundreds for...
There is a program called UltraVNC which is a great remote desktop program. It has a unique feature of being able to generate a single click EXE file which sets up a server on a remote computer.
Now, whenever people need help I just send them to the webpage. It instruts them to run the EXE file. The EXE sets up a VNC server on their computer and sends a request to my computer to connect to it. I now have remote access to their desktop and can quickly go in and fix a problem they are having. When the session is closed the program is automatically removed from memory. If the person needs help again they can just run the EXE file again.
Here is how to set up your own helpdesk operation:
-Download and Install UltraVNC
Once installed, run the VNC Client in Listening mode

Go into your router and forward port 5500 to your computer's locak IP address.
Now goto http://www.ipchicken.com or however you want to get your external IP address
Now you need to Create your Single Click EXE:
Go to the following URL and download custom.zip
unzip custom.zip
open helpdesk.txt in a text editor
Modify the file however you want, making sure the first section has the external IP address you found on IPChicken.com
This step is optional, but you can modify the BMP graphics with your logos and change the text for the installer in helpdesk.txt. More instructions on this can be found at the above URL
Once you are finished, zip up all of the files and rename the zip to something other than custom.zip
Open a web browser to the SC UltraVNC Creator Tool:
It asks you for a password, at the time of writing this it was:
Userid: foo
If that doesn't work, visit their site and find the new password:
The first Creator tool based on RC23 did not work for me. I used:
UltraVncSC based on REL1.00 (TEST)
Hit Browse and select the zip file with your updated BMP and helpdesk.txt
This will generate an EXE file. Download this to your computer, then upload it to your webhost. Alternatively, you can run a webserver on your own computer which can host a small webpage and a link to this EXE file.
Now, whenever people need help I just send them to the webpage. IT instruts them to run the EXE file. The EXE sets up a VNC server on their computer and sends a request to my computer to connect to it. I now have remote access to their desktop and can quickly go in and fix a problem they are having. When the session is closed the program is automatically removed from memory. If the person needs help again they can just run the EXE file again.
Now, here is where you can make some $$ with this and put GeekSquad out of business. Set up another webpage on your server as a "Thanks" page. At the bottom of the page include a paypal donate button. Whenever you solve a problem for someone, as they're thanking you, just open up a web browser to your "Thanks" page and sign off. Most people will be so happy you fixed their computer problems they'll throw you a few bucks (or more). Of course you could always take it a step furthur and actually generate an invoice through their browser which they can pay at their convience.
I have also been using this at work to provide tech support to customers who use our products. There are about 4 main people that do tech support, so we mapped a different IP address to each one of their computers, and generated an EXE for each person. Then on our webpage we have the EXE's linked by the person's name. Customers can go in and request remote support from one of our techs, and we can instantly help them through their problem.
Now if I could only figure out a way to help someone set up their new wireless network remotely, i'd be set.
If someone knows of similar single click VNC server installers for OSX and Linux, let me know.
Very Nice!
So whats a way to have the program forward ports. A lot of people are using linksys and netgear router these days.
That is kewl. Thanks!
http://www.logmein.com is FREE and uses 256bit encryption.
i don't think it would be so hard to help them with wireless. they will still have to do the hardware part, but all you have to do is make a retarded-proof diagram.
then open their browser and go through the browser setup
Very nice
agent164 - this tutorial is not for an Average Joe, it's for people that help Average Joe out.
Good job, you currently have over 1000 diggs on digg.com!
Encryption - handled - Start Viewer with encryption key with the following command line "vncviewer.exe -listen -dsmplugin MSRC4Plugin.dsm" (it is there, please use it, setting it up takes another 2 seconds of time).
Firewalls - it is only your own firewall that you have to change the port settings on - incoming 5500 TCP forwarded to your machine running the above command line. Client's xpsp2 firewall is ignored. Client's router firewall ignored. Now people who actually have outgoing firewalls will have to allow it (rarity).
Hint - most likely you are using a dyndns service already, but so put that in the custom.ini instead of a direct ip address. Also use a professional looking logo or such for the logo & background, some little old lady you are helping over the internet is not going to appreciate your favorite nekkid girl as the uvncsc logo....
I’ve been using this for many months now for personal & corporate support, my sales guys on the road are overjoyed with it...especially new ones from other companies "wow, our tech people didn’t have anything like this!"
Netmeeting - firewall portforwarding purgatory, forget it.
Fred, I believe with default settings it will prompt the user to 'unblock' the port. Unless they have a very restricted policy
I noticed when putting VNC on my son's PC that MS Antispyware would try to block it. Oddly, the notification did not come up right away. So when I'd try to connect later I would get errors. I did not actually know what the problem was at this point.
After re-installing a couple of times the notification finally came up while I was still sitting in front of the PC. I chose to allow it and no more problems.
So, just be aware the MS antispyware appears to need you to click allow or it will disable the application.
But your 1 click exe solution itself is totally cool. Thans!
This is a really great tutorial. Now, I know what to do when my parents ask me what's wrong with their computer when they are across the country!
Thanks - very useful tip - I'll have to try it out some time when people call me. I hope it works as well as you say!
Kewl tip
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I am SO going to use this and promote it through my own IT consulting practice. I'm sick of these Geek Squads popping up and trying to take away my business. Those overpriced morons and their stupid cars will soon dieeeee!!!
Thank you!!!!!!
Thank you very much for this. It should be amazingly helpful (about to try it out!).
Where exactly in helpdesk.txt do I put my IP?
Can you explain the process in terms of those of the mechanical typewriter era? My Epson printer will not work with my Lenovo computer even though it indicates that it is installed, and IBM, Epson, and Microsoft are all passing the buck between them. IBM made it work for about a week, then it stopped working. Restoring to default had no effect.
Idowloaded thisad my anti-Virus found a Trojan.uar.rtard
New technology? I still haven't figured out hte old.
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I see the value of your tutorial, but most folks who call in or come in to see us are having a hard time understanding why the product key on there machine doesn't activate Microsoft Office, or how to plug in their laptop. This tutorial may seem like simple stuff, but for most it's nearly impossible. Just my observation after working Geek Squad for a year now.
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Had bad experience with Geek Squad. Don't go there... I used a small firm named http://www.ComputerSquad.ca, they came to fix my problem in an affordable cost.
Awesome thanks! i have used logmein, either one will do the trick!
I am in full support of putting geek squad out of business!!
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